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Creatives Crushing Anxiety

Oct 3, 2017

This week I’m excited to share with you an interview with Lindsey Aleson from Blog Me Lovely.  Lindsey is a graphic designer and tech strategist for female infoprenuers.

This interview was so much fun. It was actually my first interview with another blogger/ online service provider so I hope you enjoy it.

I have to say one of my favorite things about this episode is that Lindsey is super real about where she's at in her business and very transparent.

In this episode:

  • Lindsey tells the story of how being in the wrong position was physically making her sick and how she took the leap to go full-time with her business.
  • The advice she thinks everyone online needs to hear and understand.
  • Lindsey shares her favorite tools for staying organized and creating great work.
  • How Lindsey unwinds and what she recommends other online business owners do to stay healthy and sane.